Good morning to all of you who are ready to embark on a wonderful 10-14 day journey of detoxing and nourishing your body. I will be posting hints, additional
instructions and
encouragement almost daily, if not daily. I would like to invite you to use this blog as it will be a great way for all of you to share your experiences as well as get feedback from me and those of your fellow
Tomorrow will mark your first day of the 2 week program. These next four days are about preparing your body for the detox by eliminating all alcohol, caffeine,
processed foods, sugar, white flour and pasta. These are also days to start planning and purchasing foods for the next seven days. I would like to suggest buying more vegetables/salad makings than you think you will eat. You will be eating a lot!!! And if vegetables are not your favorite fare, then think about juicing them or making soups. It is well worth the effort to get a lot of detoxing greens down you.
It is only 14 days, I would like to invite you to take full advantage of eating clean, organic, whole foods.
On one side of the sheet that you received is a "
Comprehensive Elimination Diet Guideline" aka "Basic Dietary Guidelines" on your sheet. During the next 14 days, you will be selecting foods that are listed on this Guideline under "Foods to Include" and avoiding the ones that are listed under "Foods to Exclude." You may be a little surprised to see some of the foods to avoid such as shellfish, eggs, and oranges. All of the foods on the "Exclude" list are foods that people are most commonly allergic to and often do not realize it.
Also, on your Step by Step
instructions sheet, you will see that something called
MedCaps DPO is listed there. I highly recommend this
proprietary blend of vitamins and herbs as very good liver support and is available through me. More information on this product can be found at If you choose to not take this during the cleanse I would like to recommend at least getting Milk Thistle as it assists in the
detoxification of the liver. Milk Thistle is available at a health food store. Detoxifying your liver is a key
component to cleaning out your system as the liver is one of your most important
detoxifiying organs. You will get more on this in the next couple of days.
I can not stress the importance of your body's ability to eliminate toxins during this time which means that you must have at least 1 good bowel movement a day. If you are having difficulty with this then please start taking 300-400 mg of Magnesium citrate before bed (it will help you sleep too) and 2000-3000 mg of Vitamin C first thing in the morning. I will post some more
instructions following this post.
Congratulations to you all for caring about your
well being and taking these
preventative and healing steps.
In Health,